Monday, July 10, 2006


...just a little.
Remember my last post when I told you about my recent obsession with old games? Well it would appear the old stupidity that is called my brain has struck again. I got bored of diablo and doom and decided I wanted to play something else on my computer. But what else was there? I thought for a long time, and my thoughts turned to my "childhood horror", Laura Bow. The game, which is a mystery horror/murder/survival kind-of-a-thing, (released in 1993) was just the thing for my worthless computer. However, it's no longer sold by it's manufactuer (sierra) and I had to break my back and nearly kill myself to find it online. I spent two whole nights google searching hundreds of terms related to the game until I was able to download it. (I'm not even going to mention how many french versions i got by mistake)
But I got it (eventually). I was so happy. I transferred it to my computer and started playing it immediatly. Not five minutes in did I run into a bug that rendered the game non-playable. That afternoon, I fixed it (more or less) and I could finally play Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra.
It was around this time I began to really think about why I had been so afraid of it before. You see, me and my siblings watched my mother play it when I was around 9 (I think), and to put things frankly, it's a pretty freaky game. Despite the pathetic graphics (which don't make a difference during the scary bits anyways) the game, which is about a series of murders occuring at a museum at night with you locked in, has it's ways of being way creepy. It would be difficult to explain it. Here's pretty much the way it works. Whenever you find a murder, you walk into the room, and you'll hear psyco music (while viewing a picture of your character screaming) in a few seconds or so, you'll get a view of the victim's body (in close up graphics; it's basically a paint drawing, but very well done.) at which point you can serach the body for clues as to who-done-it, while way-too-creepy music plays in the background (I may upload some of the music). These pictures are FREAKY! Well, at least, some of them are. There are about 7 or 8 of them, and about 2 or 3 of them seriously disturbed me. They don't just get shot. They get stuffed porcupine needles through their entire torso, they get plastered, and they get bitten by cobras. The whole time you search their stone dead body for clues, they just sit there with their eyes and mouthes wide open, staring at you. I would put some screenshots of the scary ones up, but then, I've almost got it out of my head now, and it would be a shame to look at those pictures all over again.
The game was just as I remembered it. Maybe I thought it wouldn't scare me as much now, and I don't think it has. Back then, I didn't even look at the pictures because my brothers told me they were too scary. Now I actually look at them, and they freak me out. The game has majorly disturbed me in contrast to how I was this morning.
But I guess the joke's on me. After all, I'M the one who spent a total of way too much time looking for this thing online. Now I creeped my self to death with it (if that's possible.) I think I'll go crawl up in a corner and suffer the irony alone, with that DAMN CREEPY MUSIC STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD!

This link shows you one of the less scary murders.