Thursday, August 24, 2006

Here it is

Here is the video I've been working on.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You guys are gonna love this...

...Ok maybe not.

As the summer goes by, I decided that sitting in front of a computer doing effectivly nothing was not what I wanted to do with my last week here. But what else was there to do in Milwaukee? Plenty you might say, but I have trouble finding anything more exciting then going to the nearby overpriced coffee shop and buying a slurpee for $3.75.
But one day, I had an idea. I was sitting in front of the xbox, playing a complimantery Battlefront 2 when my older brother called down the stairs, "RAFIKI COME TAKE YONINA OUTSIDE". I groaned and slouched back into my complimentary leather chair. Video games have an effect on me that drains away all of my strength or desire to go outside. "Why me?" I thought pitifully to myself, but the calls kept coming as if he couldn't read my mind. After a while I had to go and do it. My 5 year old sister entheusiasticlly (?) told me on the way out "We can play space together on the glider!!" I was not too impressed with this suggestion, but I did it anyways. After a while, my sister inevitably got herself into a battle with her evil twin. And I noticed while she did the battle, she did it much in the same form as a video game we'd been playing together, Final Fantasy VII. Now I had just been watching google videos of people mocking the battle sequences in said game by acting it out themselves. So of course I had the idea to make one ourselves. I said to her "Hey! You want to make a movie of us doing a battle?"
"Okay, let's get Iguana!"(other sister)
And of course one thing led to another. But I figured doing all the filming, cutting, and special effects would keep me busy till the school year started. And it would make for a pretty funny video.
So we did it, and that's pretty much what I 've been doing for the last few days. It's almost finished. I'll put it up on YouTube and then here as soon as I figure out how to.

P.S. If you want to see what sort of thing I'm doing, go here.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've Boughtten Something!!!

What is it? It's an Mp3 Player!

It's way better than foust's mp3 player, that's for sure.

Where the crap is my $15 mail in rebate!?

Friday, August 11, 2006


How sad. As of today, it would seem I only have seventeen days left before I am banished back to my school for another year of Mr. - uh, my english teacher.
That's because there really is only seventeen days left. I swear these summer vacations get shorter every year.
I don't like to think to deeply about this kind of thing because it makes me feel very depressed. I spend the ENTIRE school year counting down the days until summer vacation, and all of summer vacation I'm thinking about how many days I have left until I have to go back to school. So it's really a neverending cycle that is going to continue until I get out of college. And that's a long way from now.
The truth is, I don't really mind school that much. Maybe it's because it gives me something to do, makes me feel like I'm doing something useful, I don't know. And being at my school is great. I love it. It's a ton of fun. There's a bunch of great guys there. So it's not really that I hate going to school, it's that I like being home. I like being with my younger siblings and playing with them and making jokes with them and reading them books, and they love it too. But during the school year, I can only see them at maximum 6 hours a week on sunday.(of course I probably shouldn't talk; out of towners are away from there families for months at a time!) I've discussed this before, and mostly what people say is that you get used to it. And I guess that's true. I was rarely homesick during say, the middle of last year. I mean I could still call them and everything. But whenever I came back from a vacation or a break, I was homesick for a week. That's what I hate. It's not even stuff like not sleeping in my own bed, or my own room, or having to share my room with a roommate ( at home I share my room with 2 brothers!). It's just not being with my family.
Oh well. That's life.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Top Ten

I was just told that there's a top ten bug going around the bloggosphere. So I decided to catch it because my brother told me to. But what should I do?Hmm... I think I'll do the first thing I think of...well, I'm in a hotel right now soooo....

Top Ten Things I Like About Being In A Hotel

10) They Have Nice Carpets
9) They Look Really Nice On The Outside
8) They're Usually Close To A Place Where I Can Buy Stuff (like the mall of america)
7) They Have Not Wireless High Low Speed Internet
6) They Have Crappy TV's (unless they have good TV's in which case swap this with #3)
5) They Have Nice Desks
4) They Have Pools
3) They Have Jacuzzies In The Rooms (If they don't substitute "They Have Jacuzzies In The Pools")
2) They Have Room Service
and number one is...
THEY HAVE CONITINETAL, COMPLIMANTARY BREAKFAST!! Where everythings kosher except everything except the cereal.