Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yummy Milk

Everyone loves milk. Okay, that's not true, but I like milk. But there are times when I do not like milk. I shall relate to you one of these times.
I was spending the Holy Sabbath at my complimentary Yeshiva. Usually these are quite enjoyable. However, there is one aspect that I do not quite enjoy, and that is the kiddush, or "little snack" that consitutes as our breakfast after prayers, or "Shacharit". Usually this consists of what we have all come to regard as "Alan Cake". It's chocolate, moist cake, served with milk. Although sometimes the cake is not chocolate. Sometimes it is banana, or very rarley, vanilla.
This past week it was neither. It was like, dainishes or something. But that was not the important part. It was being served with - get this - CHOCOLATE MILK! YUUUUUMMMM!!!!
Well not quite. We were all getting really excited, but luckily, before anyone drank any, someone said, " Hey, this stuff expired August 20th!!!". Then it was all thrown away, but not before the kitchen guy came over and said " don't worry that stuffs good a whole month after it expires." Then it was all thrown away. Mostly because it smelled bad though.
Now, why the HECK would they have milk that expired August 20th? School started on the 27th! When was it ordered?

...I like chocolate milk...