Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well, I'll be in Isreal for the next three weeks. Whether you can expect a day to day journal on our trip while I'm gone or three weeks of staring at this barren, forgotten blog is hard to say at the moment. Oh well. I guess you'll know by tommorow. Or not. In case you don't see any updates from me, you can at least look at that picture of Rafiki Potter down there while I'm gone. That picture is just hilarious.
And you can expect a very impressive video summarizing our trip when I get back, as long as I have enough time before school to make one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I don't look like Daniel Radcliffe!

Nope, I'm just not seeing it here.
Anyways, what am I talking about?
I went to the movies some wednesday night. I saw a movie called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (is that really how it's spelled?) It was a great movie. I thought it was just fantastic. But as we're walking out of the theater, my father runs into another doctor he works with ( which is a huge coincidence, since they both only go to the movies like twice a year) and decides to introduce us to his family. When he gets up to me, he says "oh yeah this is the one that looks like Harry Potter." Everyone starts crowding around and the other doctor says "yeah he does look like harry potter." and then his wife is like "yeah, he even smiles like him"
Awkward Turtle.
I've actually, believe it or not, been hearing this every now and then since, oh i don't know, fifth grade? At the time, it was actually a close call in my class for who looked more like harry potter between me and one other guy, and I lost. (and that was when I had my giant glasses) Therefore, I have no reason to believe that I look anything like him. Well okay, maybe I look like harry potter, but I better not look like Daniel Radcliffe.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yonina makes a movie

Yonina took the first half of this herself. It's kinda long (8 minutes) but it's pretty funny. And we interview her "History channel style" about Yoninan, her made up language.

UPDATE- second part has been removed