Thursday, August 23, 2007

Israel Videos...

...yeah about those...
My plans were, and are, to make a sort of montage of all the good parts of our 1:40 of videos from Israel. But since I'm still jet lagged, and I'm really busy getting ready for school, I doubt I'll have time to before succos. Oh well.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Aren't those guys weird mommy?

This past friday night we were walking back from a meal at our cousin's house (me and my mom and the pt and fudge; the others had gone on ahead.) The pt had been falling asleep before we left, but we gave her a chocolate with lots of colorful sprinkles on it, told her it was super energy chocolates and suddenly she was full of energy. My mom asked her if she could feel the energy going into her and she said "yeah, I really feel it!".
So anyways, we were walking home with a now-hyper the pt (look I'm doing russian dancing in the middle of the street!), with me and my mom on either side of her, both of us holding one of her hands, and we past by a group of twenty or so teenagers hanging out on the corner of the street by some benches, talking and laughing. A loud POP from that general area drew our attention toward them.

The pt : Ummm... what are those guys doing?

Mrs. B: Making trouble probably.

The pt: Yeah, just hanging out...doing their things...probably not NORMAL (emphasis on that last word).

Me, fudge, and Mrs. B: Okay the pt, lets go, lets just keep moving...just stop talking...

But she just kept talking. And since in ramat beit shemesh everyone is shomer shabbos, there were absolutly no cars out in the street. No sound except for those guys and the pt practicly yelling "Those guys are so weird, what are they doing anyway? Aren't those guys weird mommy?"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

News Flash!

Well, my sources have informed me that psychotoddler has the cable for the camera, (and he's back in not-israel) so no pictures are going up until I get back.
Too bad really. I'd like to get them up here now, but what can you do?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pictures and Stuff

I'm trying to get some more movies and pictures on the blog, but as of right now I can't connect my camera to the computer. I'll get them up as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007