Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Still coming in summer 2008

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chemistry Class

Not that I like school or anything, but I pride myself in being able to find the good in most anything. And so far this year, I have managed to keep myself fairly interested in the stuff I'm supposedly learning. Thus, as most of my class routinly does, I am not a big "trouble maker". It's not in my nature to set off a stink bomb in class, or just callously insult teachers like they're not real people. Maybe that's intellect kicking in. I'd like to think so.
But last Wednesday, it didn't take a rocket scientist to find out what to do and what not to do when I walked into Chemistry Class.
I've heard lots of stories from my brother about Chemistry class. How the teacher is known to go beserk and just kick people out of class to alliviate some of his anger. So I generally stay quiet, rarely ask questions, and he's actually come to think pretty highly of me. But when I walk into the classroom at the begining of the period, and the teacher strangly resembles a tomato, I don't exactly try to crack a joke with him.
I walk in, and some sophomores from last period are still there, crowding around his desk handing in papers. Most just wanted to get out of there, but some were taking their time. One tiny sophmore slowly works his way through the crowd and goes up to the teacher.
"sir, I'm really sorry about-"
"You? I don't want to talk to you I'm sick of you!"
"But sir, I'm really-"
"Get out of my sight!"
"I was just trying-"
The miniature sophomore puts on an "I didn't do it" face and walks out into the hallway carefully.
"You JERK!" The teacher adds as the student leaves the room.

"This is a shut-up day" I thought to myself, and quickly sat down at a table.
Other people, unfortunatly did not seem to grasp this concept, and out of the sheer boredom that is chemistry class, began to cause a bit of a ruckus.
The teacher had just assigned us a chapter to read to ourselves while he graded some tests he wanted to hand back. (and wait for himself to calm down) So one guy in the back decides that's boring, and reads to himself outloud.
The teacher tells him to knock it off, so he starts reading quietly to himself. A few minutes later the teacher yells at him:
"I don't believe that you don't know how to read to yourself! That's a second grade skill!"
"Sir I skipped second grade."
What the heck is going through this kids' brain, I think to myself. But there's no way I'm saying anything, so the only thing to do as I have learned is to keep a straight face and watch the show.
The teacher of course blows up at him and talks about how he thought he had "outgrown that childish behavior". The guy does not get kicked out, but severly warned. So the reading continues. And someone starts humming, and someone starts tapping his pencil, and two people start joking with each other, and I just don't know what to think. Am I a goody two shoes, or are these people morons? I don't seek to piss a teacher off even if I'm bored and I hate him. I think that's because I can think ahead to the point where I know it won't do anyone any good anyways; a trait these guys probably lack. I feel like it's just common sense, and the reason I came up with was just that teenage boys are the dumbest entities on planet Earth.