Thursday, November 22, 2007

Me? On Facebook??

I'm so Happy! I'm finally on facebook!
...what's facebook again?

I really have no idea how to work this thing, and it does show a little in my "profile page". I find blogger so much better. I didn't somehow make blogger think I was in Wisberch Grammer School. And what is this "wall"? A place for me to sit back and bask in the radiance of my own wisdom which I have written to myself?

I have a sneaking suspicion that facebook is completely useless if I don't have any friends. And there's little hope of anyone from a London Grammer school approving my requests. But if anyone happens to get a request from me, please confirm it and let me know you exist.
I need all the help I can get.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An annoying philosphy question that's not really philosophy

I forgot to include their biggest argument, which is that it's two against one (one person wants to sleep, while the two of them want to play magic, and they think it's unfair that they're getting kicked out for one person.)

Okay, if anyone who's reading this just read my sister's blog (older), please don't read this until a little later because it will look really shallow and pointless.

As none of you know, I am living in a five person room right now. It is extremley difficult for five people to agree to do the same thing at the same time. Like sleep for example. But there is a specific problem my room is facing right now on Shabbos afternoons that I was hoping someone out there would help me fix.

Usually, for me, after eating cholent, I am unable to do pretty much anything besides flop on a bed or couch and sleep till, or possibly through mincha. One of my roommates appears to have this very same issue. But two of my other roommates don't seem to get this problem- and are huge magic addicts.
For those of you who don't know, Magic is a trading card game that lasts for HOURS. No joke. These guys go at it all afternoon. ALL afternoon. 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours, doesn't matter. And it's not the quietest game either. Many times have I woken up to the sweet sound of-
OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!!! (translation- I win)
I however, who lacks the spine and guts to tell them to be quiet (I don't feel it's necessary, I'm lazy, my list of rationalizations go on) just meekly try to get back to sleep, which never works. My other sleeping roommate however, tells them to be quiet, or play somewhere else.
They take extreme offense immediatly. "Your kicking us out of our OWN room so you can SLEEP! Who's being selfish here?" This particular person has quite a bit of energy because he slept through all of Shabbos davening. In his room. In his bed.
My sleeping roommate eventually leaves and sleeps somewhere else. I argue that it's much easier to find somewhere else to play magic than it is to find someplace to sleep, but they really never agree with anything I say, being stubborn and bringing in more crude, flawed logic to their side.

Any suggestions?