Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Crackdown

this video has been removed. Please contact me at rafiskier@gmail.com if you want to get a link.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

In Memorandum

Long time readers may know that I own two palm pilots, by some strange twist of fate. One was quite expensive, but old, and the other was new and "school safe"-meaning it had no graphical abilities. Palm Pilots have taught me one thing; I'm very gullible when it comes to these ads and pictures of shiney new expensive electronics. I could see something I could not in my wildest dreams think of a way I could use it, but if it looks cool enough I will buy it. Such was definetley the case with these two gadgets.
After I got the first one back (it was confiscated in freshman year and given back to me at the beginning of this year) I was not sure what I was going to do with 2 palm pilots. I failed to sell either one. The idea of making a raffle for them with 1 or $2 tickets came to mind, but I never bothered. There were some useful things I kept on them, but most of the time they were not used or just unnecessary. I actually tried to return the white one 2 weeks after I bought it, but the return policy for Office Depot is 14 days, and I was on day 16.
So anyways, both palm pilots were sitting in one of my friends rooms over the afternoon (he needed to use the charger), and sometime between 5 and 8PM on April 8th, 2008, both palm pilots and the charger were stolen.
I was pissed off, but not crazy. I didn't use them for much, but collectivly they were worth $300+ and it seemed like a waste of money to let them just be stolen. So I went from room to room, searching. I had some suspects, but they turned out either not to have it, or hid it really really well. It most likley was not a janitor, because they don't work during that time. The Rabbeim were sympathetic, but they didn't do much more than I expected them to.
This is a trend in my Yeshiva now. Over this past year, more stealing has happened than ever before, especially in the last two weeks. As the director of the student kitchen, I can say that thousands of dollars in meat have been stolen this year from the freezers. Someone had $800 stolen over Purim break. Just last week an Ipod was stolen. Something, clearly, must be done.

The movie is finished! Expect a link very soon!