Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The end is near

It's June. I've waited all year for it to be June. And now it's June.
You know my older sister can't even remember what it's like to have school in June? She gets out in MAY, while we haven't even started having nightmares about finals until early June. That kind of makes me wonder: doesn't college have a much more complicated curriculum, and yet while we both start at the same time, the college is beating my Yeshiva by a solid month? I do have a chemistry teacher who tells us that we only have two thirds of an ordinary school year since we have so many breaks, but I've never seen that to be realistic, seeing as how we have something like a fourteen hour day.
But anyways, with finals coming up, sometimes I start to wonder about my academic career. Not like what I'm going to major in. I asked my grandfather if he thought I should know by now what I want to major in. He said "No, it's far to early. What, you're going to be a junior next year, right?" To which I had to tell him that I'm actually going to be a senior next year. But I'm not talking about college. Just about how I'm doing now, in high school.
The whole year people in my class have told me how I seem to have it so easy, and I've never really taken it to heart. I do practically no homework at all, study for less than an hour for every test I take, excluding gemara, space out a significant amount of time in many of my classes, and I'm still making honors, albeit barely. What can I say? I'm not terribly motivated in most of these areas. I pay attention when I'm interested, but that unfortunatly is almost never.
I realize that this means if I tried, I could be close to the top of my class. It's true that I was offered to move up last year to the next Gemara class. I turned it down because it would have been much more work. Meaning I would have been challenged. That's supposed to be a good thing, but it wasn't the only factor. I usually don't seem to have the energy to try as hard as I see my classmates trying. At least I think that's the reason.
And of course, when it comes to finals, it's really the ultimate test of if I'm going to be able to get myself to study. There's usually so much material, that I know if I try I'll never get through it all anyway, but for finals I usually put in effort. At the end of the day, though, I always wonder how much good it did me.
Sometimes I think if I make things a little more exciting, I won't have the boredom issue weighing me down, and it might help me get back on track (not that I'm really off track) Like the other day, I biked to my house. It was true that I had multiple excuses to go there, but I think I just wanted to do something new. It worked a little.
Well, I have to go type an english essay...that I finished two days ago...maybe I'll look it over again. You never know what he's looking for in there.