Thursday, October 16, 2008

Succos Break Production Update!

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. That is roughly an hour and a half earlier than I would ever wake up on a school day. Why, you may ask?
Because I'm gonna be rich!
Ok, not rich. I'm going to be 100 bucks richer. Probably not worth it. Somehow, my summer job of being a mashgiach (mashiach, if you will) of an old age home has extended into not only my summer break, but ALL of my breaks. Which is both a gift, and a curse. But today so far, has not been fun, and it's only 7:24 in the morning.
I got up, got dressed, ate a bowl of cocoa rice crispies, and then came to a startling realization: I didn't know where my ID badge was. The one thing that identifies me as the Messiah, and I had somehow misplaced it. No I hadn't misplaced it. I put it on the dining room table two days earlier! It had been cleared yesterday by fudge for a birthday party for someone I don't know! Now I was faced with a choice. I could wake fudge up and interrogate her as to where she put the badge, I could leave now and get to work on time, without the ID badge, or I could look for it myself, and the ovens at the home would have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes before I came, my majestic cape billowing in the wind, to turn them on. I decided to leave without it. I'm only working until 9 today, so I think they can forgive me not wearing it for 2 and a half hours. But if it's not found by the time I get home...
Anyways, I got into the car, freezing and shivering, honked the horn a couple times by accident trying to get the dang club off the wheel, and started pulling out. A few seconds later I realized I did not have my esrog and lulav with me. Sure I could still go inside and get it, but that would mean I would be extra late to work, AND I wouldn't have my ID badge, and so I left without it. So far, the morning has been almost a total faliure.
As I drove down the dark cold road in sheer terror without any rear view mirror (the back window did not defrost the entire drive there) I realized the only way this morning could get worse would be I crashed into someone, or they crashed into me (at this point I realized I didn't have my cell phone either). But I did get here with no problems, and now all the ovens and serverees are on and purring happily.
And they call it succos break. If I could live at home the rest of the school year, I might call is school break.