Thursday, December 14, 2006

Guess what?

Does anyone here know what cholent is?
How about jewstew?
I not-so-recently have begun cooking cholent at my school. The first few weren't so good, but now I make one of the best cholents in the school. I don't really sell it that much, but it's nice to be able to have cholent on chicken night and stuff like that.
On that note, I recently had to clean the entire cooking lab with my roommate. They were about to close it up and lock it forever, but I made a deal with the cooking-lab-keeper that if I cleaned it tonight, he would keep it open. They were going to close it because it was really really dirty. The guy told me he had to be able to lick the floor.
Boy have we got our work cut out for us.
Well, we did it, and it took up my entire evening. But I sure do feel accomplished; and I was able to make my cholent that night and avoid chicken night.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

now what?

So now that I've finished my home movie making (i dare not go into the realm of plot and script with my younger siblings), it's time to take it to school. I've wanted to make a school movie ever since I saw l'Tovah's one, nad now that I know a little bit about movie making, I would like to give it a shot. But there are a few problems with this.
a) I don't have a camera.
b) I can't get myself to buy a camera because I don't actually have a specific plot or idea of what to make the movie about (though I have the perfect music!) and because I want to replace my newly confiscated mp3 player.
Also, if I spent my time on making a movie, it would distract me from doing the types of things that would get me viruses on the computers, and we would get our internet back. But that would also mean it would distract me from my schoolwork.
It's really annoying to want two things equally and being forced to buy one. But I really shouldn't complain, seeing as one of my friends lost his wallet and broke his mp3 player practically on the same day.
Well, I guess I'll let you know what happens.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Here they are. The movie just isn't quite as funny without this. You can hear yonina babbling throughout the entire movie.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Movie

The Thrilling Sequel! Check it out.

Unreleased bloopers coming soon!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm Back

I have not posted a blog for a long time. It hasn't really been my fault, so I hope no one got too upset. I have been either busy or didn't have internet access or was fixing a virus or didn't have time, or just plain didn't feel like it, but that doesn't mean I haven't had anything to talk about. I have had alot of things to talk about. In fact, I'm not so sure how I'm going to get them all up here now. I think I'll just post the more important things:

You know that mp3 player I'd Boughtten a few posts ago. It's gone. Been confiscated by Rebbe Dog (foust gets it) Rabbi oripahS. And as far as I can tell, I ain't gettin' it back. How? I was listening to music on it with headphones. Now, my brother 30cal happens to be this Rabbi's student right now, and it seem he and the Rabbi have had debates about this rule before, with my brother gaining a small amount of ground here and there. So it's possible that if I can completely convince him that the rule is stupid, he'll give it back. You'll have to ask 30cal what that argument is. I don't really know myself.
Next, me got a virus. Oh, it was terrible. I was just trying to find a way to play Age of Empires 2 w/o the cd for Iguana, and suddenly this big scary message from Norton popped up. Oh it was scary. But it's all fixed by now so there's not much to talk about. It never happened. Except now all our internet privilages have been severely limited, which is understandable. But it all stinks, just the same.
And what else? I guess I forgot the rest.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yummy Milk

Everyone loves milk. Okay, that's not true, but I like milk. But there are times when I do not like milk. I shall relate to you one of these times.
I was spending the Holy Sabbath at my complimentary Yeshiva. Usually these are quite enjoyable. However, there is one aspect that I do not quite enjoy, and that is the kiddush, or "little snack" that consitutes as our breakfast after prayers, or "Shacharit". Usually this consists of what we have all come to regard as "Alan Cake". It's chocolate, moist cake, served with milk. Although sometimes the cake is not chocolate. Sometimes it is banana, or very rarley, vanilla.
This past week it was neither. It was like, dainishes or something. But that was not the important part. It was being served with - get this - CHOCOLATE MILK! YUUUUUMMMM!!!!
Well not quite. We were all getting really excited, but luckily, before anyone drank any, someone said, " Hey, this stuff expired August 20th!!!". Then it was all thrown away, but not before the kitchen guy came over and said " don't worry that stuffs good a whole month after it expires." Then it was all thrown away. Mostly because it smelled bad though.
Now, why the HECK would they have milk that expired August 20th? School started on the 27th! When was it ordered?

...I like chocolate milk...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Here it is

Here is the video I've been working on.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You guys are gonna love this...

...Ok maybe not.

As the summer goes by, I decided that sitting in front of a computer doing effectivly nothing was not what I wanted to do with my last week here. But what else was there to do in Milwaukee? Plenty you might say, but I have trouble finding anything more exciting then going to the nearby overpriced coffee shop and buying a slurpee for $3.75.
But one day, I had an idea. I was sitting in front of the xbox, playing a complimantery Battlefront 2 when my older brother called down the stairs, "RAFIKI COME TAKE YONINA OUTSIDE". I groaned and slouched back into my complimentary leather chair. Video games have an effect on me that drains away all of my strength or desire to go outside. "Why me?" I thought pitifully to myself, but the calls kept coming as if he couldn't read my mind. After a while I had to go and do it. My 5 year old sister entheusiasticlly (?) told me on the way out "We can play space together on the glider!!" I was not too impressed with this suggestion, but I did it anyways. After a while, my sister inevitably got herself into a battle with her evil twin. And I noticed while she did the battle, she did it much in the same form as a video game we'd been playing together, Final Fantasy VII. Now I had just been watching google videos of people mocking the battle sequences in said game by acting it out themselves. So of course I had the idea to make one ourselves. I said to her "Hey! You want to make a movie of us doing a battle?"
"Okay, let's get Iguana!"(other sister)
And of course one thing led to another. But I figured doing all the filming, cutting, and special effects would keep me busy till the school year started. And it would make for a pretty funny video.
So we did it, and that's pretty much what I 've been doing for the last few days. It's almost finished. I'll put it up on YouTube and then here as soon as I figure out how to.

P.S. If you want to see what sort of thing I'm doing, go here.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've Boughtten Something!!!

What is it? It's an Mp3 Player!

It's way better than foust's mp3 player, that's for sure.

Where the crap is my $15 mail in rebate!?

Friday, August 11, 2006


How sad. As of today, it would seem I only have seventeen days left before I am banished back to my school for another year of Mr. - uh, my english teacher.
That's because there really is only seventeen days left. I swear these summer vacations get shorter every year.
I don't like to think to deeply about this kind of thing because it makes me feel very depressed. I spend the ENTIRE school year counting down the days until summer vacation, and all of summer vacation I'm thinking about how many days I have left until I have to go back to school. So it's really a neverending cycle that is going to continue until I get out of college. And that's a long way from now.
The truth is, I don't really mind school that much. Maybe it's because it gives me something to do, makes me feel like I'm doing something useful, I don't know. And being at my school is great. I love it. It's a ton of fun. There's a bunch of great guys there. So it's not really that I hate going to school, it's that I like being home. I like being with my younger siblings and playing with them and making jokes with them and reading them books, and they love it too. But during the school year, I can only see them at maximum 6 hours a week on sunday.(of course I probably shouldn't talk; out of towners are away from there families for months at a time!) I've discussed this before, and mostly what people say is that you get used to it. And I guess that's true. I was rarely homesick during say, the middle of last year. I mean I could still call them and everything. But whenever I came back from a vacation or a break, I was homesick for a week. That's what I hate. It's not even stuff like not sleeping in my own bed, or my own room, or having to share my room with a roommate ( at home I share my room with 2 brothers!). It's just not being with my family.
Oh well. That's life.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Top Ten

I was just told that there's a top ten bug going around the bloggosphere. So I decided to catch it because my brother told me to. But what should I do?Hmm... I think I'll do the first thing I think of...well, I'm in a hotel right now soooo....

Top Ten Things I Like About Being In A Hotel

10) They Have Nice Carpets
9) They Look Really Nice On The Outside
8) They're Usually Close To A Place Where I Can Buy Stuff (like the mall of america)
7) They Have Not Wireless High Low Speed Internet
6) They Have Crappy TV's (unless they have good TV's in which case swap this with #3)
5) They Have Nice Desks
4) They Have Pools
3) They Have Jacuzzies In The Rooms (If they don't substitute "They Have Jacuzzies In The Pools")
2) They Have Room Service
and number one is...
THEY HAVE CONITINETAL, COMPLIMANTARY BREAKFAST!! Where everythings kosher except everything except the cereal.

Monday, July 10, 2006


...just a little.
Remember my last post when I told you about my recent obsession with old games? Well it would appear the old stupidity that is called my brain has struck again. I got bored of diablo and doom and decided I wanted to play something else on my computer. But what else was there? I thought for a long time, and my thoughts turned to my "childhood horror", Laura Bow. The game, which is a mystery horror/murder/survival kind-of-a-thing, (released in 1993) was just the thing for my worthless computer. However, it's no longer sold by it's manufactuer (sierra) and I had to break my back and nearly kill myself to find it online. I spent two whole nights google searching hundreds of terms related to the game until I was able to download it. (I'm not even going to mention how many french versions i got by mistake)
But I got it (eventually). I was so happy. I transferred it to my computer and started playing it immediatly. Not five minutes in did I run into a bug that rendered the game non-playable. That afternoon, I fixed it (more or less) and I could finally play Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra.
It was around this time I began to really think about why I had been so afraid of it before. You see, me and my siblings watched my mother play it when I was around 9 (I think), and to put things frankly, it's a pretty freaky game. Despite the pathetic graphics (which don't make a difference during the scary bits anyways) the game, which is about a series of murders occuring at a museum at night with you locked in, has it's ways of being way creepy. It would be difficult to explain it. Here's pretty much the way it works. Whenever you find a murder, you walk into the room, and you'll hear psyco music (while viewing a picture of your character screaming) in a few seconds or so, you'll get a view of the victim's body (in close up graphics; it's basically a paint drawing, but very well done.) at which point you can serach the body for clues as to who-done-it, while way-too-creepy music plays in the background (I may upload some of the music). These pictures are FREAKY! Well, at least, some of them are. There are about 7 or 8 of them, and about 2 or 3 of them seriously disturbed me. They don't just get shot. They get stuffed porcupine needles through their entire torso, they get plastered, and they get bitten by cobras. The whole time you search their stone dead body for clues, they just sit there with their eyes and mouthes wide open, staring at you. I would put some screenshots of the scary ones up, but then, I've almost got it out of my head now, and it would be a shame to look at those pictures all over again.
The game was just as I remembered it. Maybe I thought it wouldn't scare me as much now, and I don't think it has. Back then, I didn't even look at the pictures because my brothers told me they were too scary. Now I actually look at them, and they freak me out. The game has majorly disturbed me in contrast to how I was this morning.
But I guess the joke's on me. After all, I'M the one who spent a total of way too much time looking for this thing online. Now I creeped my self to death with it (if that's possible.) I think I'll go crawl up in a corner and suffer the irony alone, with that DAMN CREEPY MUSIC STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD!

This link shows you one of the less scary murders.

Friday, June 30, 2006

...the best of the 80's and 90's

Recently, I have realized that I have been playing alot of oldies games. Like you know, games from the ninties, like doom, duke nukem, and amazon trail, and dark forces, and klik n play (you probably don't know what that is) ect. This is kind of creepy, since none of these games seemed any fun to me at the time. In fact I recall thinking that I would never play them myself because I was afraid I would die. The reason I suddenly got hooked on these types of games, and their bad all-keyboard soundtracks is probably because I got an 8 year old computer from one of my old rabbeim last year (he said it didn't work and i fixed it) and now that I actually own my very own computer, even though it doesn't have enough memory to install windows 98, i want to be able to use it to it's full pontential. Unfortunatly, since it's not connected to our home network (no printing) and I can't even install microsoft office to begin with, the capabilities of this computer add up to playing Outnumbered, or Spellbound. In fact, I have recently been tearing the house apart looking for a specific game, Treasure Mountain, (completley educational) supposedly for my 5 year old sister. But of course, I know the truth that a) I really liked that game as a kid, and b) that it's about as good as gaming gets on that computer. But suprise suprise, the disc appears to have vanished off the face of the earth, along with the drivers for the only video card that will ever work in that computer.

Friday, May 12, 2006

How Evil Looking...

Yeah, I kinda went on a rampage this last week with a camera. I've gotten tons of pictures, most of them are for Ezzie. This is a picture of an air-purifier that I got at an estate sale next door for about 5 bucks. It sounded like a good idea at the time, seeing as how my room smelled like CRAP!...Now it just smells like a hardware store. Thanks, "Air-Processor 2000!" (that's actually what it's called). I'm not even going to mention the sound this thing makes. It's "sleep" mode sounds about as loud as an airplane, and "normal" sounds more like indoor plumbing or something.

Ha! It's Stoner! Recognize him? (This was not an easy picture to get. I had to sneak up on him while he was playing Diablo.)

Guess who this is? Yep, it's Chuck. He's not getting much older, is he?

I did have a picture of my math teacher, but it got taken down. Sorry. I'll have more next week. (maybe)

Friday, April 28, 2006

To Buy, or not to Buy?

I was at Wal-Mart today. I happen to have saved up a nice some of money these past few months. About $50 in fact. I think I might be getting better at spending less of my money. But today at Wal Mart, I felt a sudden need to buy just about ever other thing I saw. Things I had never dreamed of having before I had entered the store. For example, I almost bought a liitle rectangular lamp that goes inside your closet so you can see how dirty it is in there...I don't even have a freakin' closet!
But then, I guess that's really the objective of all advertisments (especially the ones on the boxes)- to make you want to buy it for almost no reason at all. I mean, why would I want an air purifier in my dorm room? I'm not entirly sure right now. And then I end up having a whole debate with myself whether I should buy it or not. I'll be standing in front of someting resembling a toaster oven mixed with a frying pan, with an extremley strange expression on my face, wondering to myself questions like "is it worth it?", or "is there anything else I'm planning on doing with all this money anyways?".
Maybe I was better off having less money.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cell Phones

Okay, chances are you knew what I was going to be saying here when you read the title to the post. If you thought I was going to sit here for the next ten minutes talking about how we really don't need so much fancy crud in an object that's supposed to be used to talk to other people, your pretty much on target. If you though I would be praising the advances we've made in protable technology in the last ten years, you're probably...well, you're wrong at least.
My roommate (the new one) jusst got a cell phone from his parents. I'm not exactly sure what the reason was, like in case there was an emergency or something and he didn't have two quarters to use a pay phone. I guess that reason makes sense. But then, he's got one of theose state of the art, top of the line cell phones with cameras, and camcorders, and wireless internet, and I'm pretty sure it bakes cookies too. Or is that next years' model?
I guess I should probably be jealous. I mean come on, I have to walk, what is it 8 blocks, just to get somewhere where I can check my email, and his cell phone, which he takes wherever he goes, can do IM in an instant. But I'm really not jealous. I might have been last year. Last year I loved gadgets. Last year I spent $210 on a palm pilot and a case. But I guess I've cooled off a bit since then. All I really want now is an MP3 player. That would be nice...but that's not the point!
I'm sure many of the people reading this can remember back to the day when cell phones where the twice the size of your head. Now they can practicly fit inside your ear! (they will, before you know it). I, for one, see very little purpose in taking movies with your cell phone. Have you ever felt a real need to vidoetape something while you were on your phone? I know I haven't, but then, I don't own a phone.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Roommates Should Not Be So Complicated

Okay, imagine this: You're in a dorm high school in a two man room. You were assigned the most hated person in the entire school as a roommate (or at least one of the most hated). Now, you wouldn't want to treat him the way everyone else does, because he's your roommate, and you're probably stuck with him for the rest of the school year (it's not like anyone's going to switch with you). If you were mean to him, he could make your life really miserable. On the other hand, if you try to treat him nicely, and absorb all the disgusting things that he says, then it's likley the rest of the school might end up treating you the same way. So, what do you do?
I've been in this situation for a few months now. I've talked with alot of people about it, and I was about to just answer with the "oh well you'll live" kind of approach. Actually, I've managed to stay neutral in the whole "conflict" for the last month or two. But of course, that can be kind of difficult, since everyone hates him and wants to soak his bed (it's a type of punishment around here), and since you're his roommate, everybody wants you to do it (it's easiest for you). But I got kind of lucky. Another friend of mine was having problems with his roommate also (as in,they hated each other) and the other guy would do anything to get rid of him. So we switched, and now that whole problem is landed on the other guy. Except he probably won't hesistate to do any of the stuff I was asked to do.
Okay, I originally wanted to post this to ask people for advice, but since I wasn't able to until today, it got solved for me. Thanks guys!
(for nothing)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Projected Outcome (final post!!!!)

Yep, sorry, but I'm tired of this (for those of you who have been reading it). Oh well, I'll just have to post normally now. At least this last ones' a good one.

Computer Administrator booted! Havoc follows!
ZITS computer networked sent into chaos after recent firing of Administrator
Late Wednesday night word reached The Projected Outcome that Ezra Stoner, who has been the Administrator of the ZITS computer lab since it's inception, has been fired by the Rosh Yeshiva for an unspecified reason even to Stoner. The Rosh ordered the Computer Manager "Paul" to cut Stoner's admin late Wednesday. "I'm a little ticked off, but I'm not bitter" Stoner was quoted that night.
Ezra Stoner, was until this point, effectively the "police" of the Lab until this point, was partially in charge of making sure no one hacked into the network and messed around with it. Now that he is gone, the Lab has gone into absolute pandemonium. A certain hacker managed to give himself a local administrative profile on one computer, and has been able to give himself special permission from there. StudentShare (The network folder which stores all the shared documents and pictures from the students) has been wiped and locked out, and the hacker has been going into peoples profiles and changing passwords, deleting files, ect. Foust was quoted, late Thursday "They've changed my password! I can't get in! THAT PLAY SCRIPT IS DUE TOMMOROW!!!". The hacker merely chuckled in the back.
The senate is unsure what to make of this issue. Chairman Joiseph G. got up late Saturday night and declared before the Senate "Anyone who actually cares about this issue enough to address it, is a nerd and needs to get a life". The Senate's hand in this issue appears to have dissappeared.
The hacker may be trying to establish himself as the Lab's new "Admin".

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Projected Outcome (issue whatever!)

I really hope I don't get expelled for any of this.

The Projected Outcome
Winter Break rush injures some and wrecks something!
Information on this story is still sketchy at the time of this writing, as details are still coming in. But it seems that on Sunday, January 22nd, 2006, the semester ended for the Institute (ZITS) at 12:00 noon. As soon as classes were dismissed at this time, every student from every grade rushed out of their classrooms at a speed not thought achievably possible by man. No Rabbeim were harmed in this incident, although Mrs. Grain may have spilled her coffee at some point. Several dormitory halls were severley damaged in the rush, as students ran to their rooms to get their luggage and bring them out to either Airport Connection busses outside, or their parent's car. Airport Connection busdriver Ed describes what he saw.
"First I saw the building shake, from front to back. Then I saw hundreds of kids piled up at the front door, all pushing to get out. They showed up so fast; I never saw them come! Then they just poured out of the door, like water, and swarmed all over my car! It was awful!"
Ed is still recovering from a small trauma.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Projected Outcome (issue two!)

Wow, I am really on a role. Names is a huge problem though.

High School "wakers" kidnapped by Sophmores!
Fed up with unnacceptable service, several unnamed sophmores kidnapped two of the High-School's most renowned "veckers", or those responsible to wake them up in the morning. The veckers have been in service for three years, and have on an inconsistent basis been responsible for waking the entire High School up at 7:00am every morning.
The sophmores did the vecking Tuesday morning, much the pleasure of the High School. "They just came in an' started yellin'," witness S "Foust" said Tuesday "I got all frightened. It was 7:03 in the mornin'! I was asleepin'!"
Wednesday afternoon the sophmore senators released a tape recorded by those responsible (non-video). The tape was played before the Senate. The sophmore kidnappers explained that if they were not paid the ten dollars they need to pay for cholent expenses, they would drop both veckers off the catwalk. Appalled at this statment, Chairman Joiseph G. proclaimed that they needed to take "extensive measures." Junior Enforcers searched every knook and cranny of every sophmore room until they found the veckers, tied and gaged in a walk in closet. Once the gag was removed, one of the veckers was quoted saying "Thank God! I was getting hungry!".
The inhabitants of the room were identified, and were tossd off the catwalk onto a bunch of mattreses.

and if you believe that...