Sunday, April 23, 2006

Cell Phones

Okay, chances are you knew what I was going to be saying here when you read the title to the post. If you thought I was going to sit here for the next ten minutes talking about how we really don't need so much fancy crud in an object that's supposed to be used to talk to other people, your pretty much on target. If you though I would be praising the advances we've made in protable technology in the last ten years, you're probably...well, you're wrong at least.
My roommate (the new one) jusst got a cell phone from his parents. I'm not exactly sure what the reason was, like in case there was an emergency or something and he didn't have two quarters to use a pay phone. I guess that reason makes sense. But then, he's got one of theose state of the art, top of the line cell phones with cameras, and camcorders, and wireless internet, and I'm pretty sure it bakes cookies too. Or is that next years' model?
I guess I should probably be jealous. I mean come on, I have to walk, what is it 8 blocks, just to get somewhere where I can check my email, and his cell phone, which he takes wherever he goes, can do IM in an instant. But I'm really not jealous. I might have been last year. Last year I loved gadgets. Last year I spent $210 on a palm pilot and a case. But I guess I've cooled off a bit since then. All I really want now is an MP3 player. That would be nice...but that's not the point!
I'm sure many of the people reading this can remember back to the day when cell phones where the twice the size of your head. Now they can practicly fit inside your ear! (they will, before you know it). I, for one, see very little purpose in taking movies with your cell phone. Have you ever felt a real need to vidoetape something while you were on your phone? I know I haven't, but then, I don't own a phone.


Shira Salamone said...

Apparently, our cell phone plan gives us the right to "upgrade" every couple of years. A lot of good that does *me.* With regard to my current phone, I can't even understand the manual. And there are so bleeping many buttons and menus on this cell phone that I finally gave up trying to figure out how to get to the menu that tells me what my cell phone number is (I don't call myself very often) and just added my own number to my "Contacts" list.

I'm with you on this one. I, too, think there's such a thing as having *too much* of a good thing.

PsychoToddler said...

You guys aren't allowed to have phones in your Yeshiva.

.30cal said...


Rafiki said...

I'm sorry.

Tzafra said...

Hahahahahahah...our pay phones are only ONE QUARTER - CANADIAN!!!!
Ever seen a Bluetooth? They almost do fit inside your ear.
Will the Rabbeim let in a phone called a Razor?

Ezzie said...

Um, you're so dead if any of the rabbeim ever find this blog. Not because of them, but because your roomate will beat the garbage out of you (excuse me).