Friday, April 28, 2006

To Buy, or not to Buy?

I was at Wal-Mart today. I happen to have saved up a nice some of money these past few months. About $50 in fact. I think I might be getting better at spending less of my money. But today at Wal Mart, I felt a sudden need to buy just about ever other thing I saw. Things I had never dreamed of having before I had entered the store. For example, I almost bought a liitle rectangular lamp that goes inside your closet so you can see how dirty it is in there...I don't even have a freakin' closet!
But then, I guess that's really the objective of all advertisments (especially the ones on the boxes)- to make you want to buy it for almost no reason at all. I mean, why would I want an air purifier in my dorm room? I'm not entirly sure right now. And then I end up having a whole debate with myself whether I should buy it or not. I'll be standing in front of someting resembling a toaster oven mixed with a frying pan, with an extremley strange expression on my face, wondering to myself questions like "is it worth it?", or "is there anything else I'm planning on doing with all this money anyways?".
Maybe I was better off having less money.


PsychoToddler said...

Try to save your money for things that you actually want.

.30cal said...

bah. spend it all.

Rafiki said...

Ok, so noone reads my blog anymore. Oh well.

Shira Salamone said...

Ah, the joys of modern marketing, also know as "how to con anyone into buying *anything,* whether they need it and/or it's good for them or not." Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to resist. Period.

You need to become impervious to hype and think for yourself. As I used to say to my son, "I don't care what the advertisers say--if it has chocolate and marshallows in it, it's candy, not cereal." You're not saying "baruch . . . chonen ha-daat" for nothing--when you're tempted to buy something for no *good* reason, just use the brains that Hashem gave you.

Tzafra said...

I can see why in a boys' dorm you'd need an air freshener, but if it's really that loud, why don't you just leave the window open?

Rafiki said...


outofAMMO said...

thats what bug spray is for!