Friday, May 12, 2006

How Evil Looking...

Yeah, I kinda went on a rampage this last week with a camera. I've gotten tons of pictures, most of them are for Ezzie. This is a picture of an air-purifier that I got at an estate sale next door for about 5 bucks. It sounded like a good idea at the time, seeing as how my room smelled like CRAP!...Now it just smells like a hardware store. Thanks, "Air-Processor 2000!" (that's actually what it's called). I'm not even going to mention the sound this thing makes. It's "sleep" mode sounds about as loud as an airplane, and "normal" sounds more like indoor plumbing or something.

Ha! It's Stoner! Recognize him? (This was not an easy picture to get. I had to sneak up on him while he was playing Diablo.)

Guess who this is? Yep, it's Chuck. He's not getting much older, is he?

I did have a picture of my math teacher, but it got taken down. Sorry. I'll have more next week. (maybe)


Shira Salamone said...

Care to trade your air purifier for my wake-the-dead vacuum cleaner? Better yet, try this.

And yes, by the way, there are still a few of us reading your blog. I just left a comment on your previous post.

Ezzie said...


I haven't been here in a while, but...


(btw, Stoner lived up the block from me growing up. And the name 'Stoner' is courtesy of my class.)

Thanks, you made my day. (And I'm sorry about your grandfather.)

Rafiki said...

You're welcome. (the name is awesome!!)

Your vacuum cleaner wakes the dead? will it work on my roommate??

The one problem with taking pictures like this and putting them up is that my father doesn't like it. I had a picture of Dr. Stones and he had me take it down bc a rabbi might google it and find me. I just have to be careful, I guess.

Ezzie said...

Ah, but have you even seen the WITZ video on Google?! Look under the name of a certain guy from Cleveland who graduated a year or so ago... fits well with L'Tovah. A certain Rabbi's son does an excellent Dr. Stones.

Tzafra said...

I think I'll come steal your air purifier. My school's lunchroom was a pool about 30 years ago, before the school bought the building, and it still doesn't have any oxygen in it. Literally. Not that it smells bad or anything, there just is a lack of oxygen (ok, it smells bad also, but whatever).

Rafiki said...

Yeah, but I didn't make it, so it wouldn't be me getting in trouble.