Friday, June 30, 2006

...the best of the 80's and 90's

Recently, I have realized that I have been playing alot of oldies games. Like you know, games from the ninties, like doom, duke nukem, and amazon trail, and dark forces, and klik n play (you probably don't know what that is) ect. This is kind of creepy, since none of these games seemed any fun to me at the time. In fact I recall thinking that I would never play them myself because I was afraid I would die. The reason I suddenly got hooked on these types of games, and their bad all-keyboard soundtracks is probably because I got an 8 year old computer from one of my old rabbeim last year (he said it didn't work and i fixed it) and now that I actually own my very own computer, even though it doesn't have enough memory to install windows 98, i want to be able to use it to it's full pontential. Unfortunatly, since it's not connected to our home network (no printing) and I can't even install microsoft office to begin with, the capabilities of this computer add up to playing Outnumbered, or Spellbound. In fact, I have recently been tearing the house apart looking for a specific game, Treasure Mountain, (completley educational) supposedly for my 5 year old sister. But of course, I know the truth that a) I really liked that game as a kid, and b) that it's about as good as gaming gets on that computer. But suprise suprise, the disc appears to have vanished off the face of the earth, along with the drivers for the only video card that will ever work in that computer.


Kiwi the Geek said...

Have you thought about installing Linux or some other operating system? Fun summer project...

Tzafra said...

In the office I'm working at there was discovered today a computer with a 1 gig hard drive. Beat that.

Ezzie said...

Oooh, treasure mountain! I loved that game!!

.30cal said...

oh, my computer DREAMS of having a gig! t'would've been a PALACE to that poor blighter. Mine currently has a grand total of about 5 mgs of hard drive space. though of course, mine is a palm pilot. also, after a couple years of vigorous mp3 playing, it now has a battery life of, on average, two minutes; unless you try to look at pictures or play games WHILE listening to music, in which case you've got about 20 seconds working for you. think fast.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

Hubby is hooked on Diablo...will literally played it for 4 or 5 hours straight, EVERY NIGHT.

I was going to hide or destroy his cd's but then he found the online version in real time. Our family is in real big trouble.