Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've Boughtten Something!!!

What is it? It's an Mp3 Player!

It's way better than foust's mp3 player, that's for sure.

Where the crap is my $15 mail in rebate!?


Foust said...

your right it is better than mine. mine already crashed and lost all its memory and then magicly restored it all. but mine has more cool features and stuff

Chaikers said...

How many gigs does it have? Thats the most important question...

.30cal said...

try 1?
hey foust, u can put a little sticker on the bottom of ur mp3 player-"i am rabbi Cheplowiz and i approve this mp3 player" with a little picture of him smiling- lol!

Ezzie said...

How can you have mp3s without headphones?!

.30cal said...

'tis a paradox, no?

Foust said...

I got a sick speacker for 20 dollars. It is fold's up. You unfold it like a clam and there are stereo speakers inside. short cable so it doesnt get all tied up. It is cool.

.30cal said...

ach, i've boughtten mein mp3 pleyerren! jawhol!

Foust said...

Yes, very jawhol

Rafiki said...


It has one gigabyte. Not bad for something that small. It also plugs directly into the computer. Or at least it would, but the ting is so fat that if you have anything else plugged into the usb portsr it doesn't fit. oh well.

Rafiki said...

By the way, what do you guys think of my new name and avatar. Way better than "Major Moron" that's for sure...

Chaikers said...

The new name actually was helpful...i was wondering what that monkey guy's name was a while ago, although i dont know why...

Tzafra said...

I bought a 512 mb falsh drive this summer on sale - $25 with a $10 mail-in-rebate. Not bad when you consider that the 256 mb was also $25, but no rebate!!

Chaikers said...

my bro got a 1 gig flash-drive for 25$ or something like that, and it was originally 50$ i think, on e-bay!

Rafiki said...

well that's ebay. if we could use ebay, we'd get everything for half price.