Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You guys are gonna love this...

...Ok maybe not.

As the summer goes by, I decided that sitting in front of a computer doing effectivly nothing was not what I wanted to do with my last week here. But what else was there to do in Milwaukee? Plenty you might say, but I have trouble finding anything more exciting then going to the nearby overpriced coffee shop and buying a slurpee for $3.75.
But one day, I had an idea. I was sitting in front of the xbox, playing a complimantery Battlefront 2 when my older brother called down the stairs, "RAFIKI COME TAKE YONINA OUTSIDE". I groaned and slouched back into my complimentary leather chair. Video games have an effect on me that drains away all of my strength or desire to go outside. "Why me?" I thought pitifully to myself, but the calls kept coming as if he couldn't read my mind. After a while I had to go and do it. My 5 year old sister entheusiasticlly (?) told me on the way out "We can play space together on the glider!!" I was not too impressed with this suggestion, but I did it anyways. After a while, my sister inevitably got herself into a battle with her evil twin. And I noticed while she did the battle, she did it much in the same form as a video game we'd been playing together, Final Fantasy VII. Now I had just been watching google videos of people mocking the battle sequences in said game by acting it out themselves. So of course I had the idea to make one ourselves. I said to her "Hey! You want to make a movie of us doing a battle?"
"Okay, let's get Iguana!"(other sister)
And of course one thing led to another. But I figured doing all the filming, cutting, and special effects would keep me busy till the school year started. And it would make for a pretty funny video.
So we did it, and that's pretty much what I 've been doing for the last few days. It's almost finished. I'll put it up on YouTube and then here as soon as I figure out how to.

P.S. If you want to see what sort of thing I'm doing, go here.


Chaikers said...

You buy slurpies for $3.75!?! You're being cheated! You can get any size for $0.79 at Speedway! -this includes the (42-?) 44 oz. one!

Rafiki said...

yes i know that now i am very sad.

.30cal said...

trust us, we don't actually buy $3.75 slurpees. we just sort of stick our faces to the windows of the shop and put on our most pitiful facial expressions while our spirits fill with longing...

Chaikers said...

Well then, I guess that's OK...(?)

Neil Harris said...

I read your dad's blog and had to check out yours. Battlefront 2 is insane!!! Much better that the first one! Jedi Powers make any game better!!

Rafiki said...

Are you advertising something? Because you know, I already HAVE the game.

outofAMMO said...

well, chaikers was advertising slurpies, but I dont see you reacting to him.

Chaikers said...

how can anyone get mad or w/e to info on CHEAP SLURPIES! that's just crazy!

outofAMMO said...
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outofAMMO said...

yes, but youre no neil harris.

Rafiki said...

methinks neil harris is a nerd.

outofAMMO said...

methinks your a nerd.