Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Here they are. The movie just isn't quite as funny without this. You can hear yonina babbling throughout the entire movie.


Chaikers said...

OMG! You guys make me laugh! This is the funniest thing!
It sorta resembles the "witz" movie "GO", with you going "go" at the beginning of everything and all.
I sure hope that you gave yonina some candy or something for working with you. I think she recognizes that she has some real potential singing and you're just holding her back. :)

outofAMMO said...

No, we didn't. She thought it was cool enough to get to carry that umbrella around the entire time.

.30cal said...

yeah, honest to God, she'd had enough fun for one day.

Rafiki said...

Everybody else is telling me I should be saying Action instead of GO. I think that would just sound stupid.

What do you guys think of doing a director's commentary?

Chaikers said...

Yea, except not commentary but an interview--like u sitting there...and once in a while u show a clip from the movie.

.30cal said...

heck, u could do both. and ur right, action sounds stupid.
but it shouldn't be just one person doing commentary- u should get like, u and elana, being urselves, and then a couple other people being druggies or something. like you'd be, "well this scene was by far my favorite becuz of the... dynamics... what about you bob?" and i'd be like, "um.. i had an antfarm once.. but then... they all just started killing each other. i had to kill them all, kevin."

Rafiki said...

I think I like chaiker's idea, but that would be really really hard. Well, not really hard. But pretty hard.

Chaikers said...

why would random druggies be in the commentary? i think you just want to act like one.

outofAMMO said...

Chaikers? see canibal post. And Rafiki could just do another movie for the directors commentary.

Chaikers said...

...i'm confused again...

PsychoToddler said...

I vote for the Strong Bad commentary.

outofAMMO said...

let's keep it that way.

.30cal said...

no strong bad commentary, that's just ripping off. and for the record, that other guy is an excellent druggie who'd be more than willing to appear anonymously in your film.

Rafiki said...

is there a reason why you're obssesed with druggies?
i'm leaning toward the strong bad idea. at least iguana could do it.

outofAMMO said...

Rafiki: maybe he IS one!

iguana said...

Yea, maybe I could do it. But it dosn't need to BE strong bad comentary. It could just be strong bad STYLE comentary. You know, like all of us making fun of each other when we messed up, that sort of thing.