Thursday, November 22, 2007

Me? On Facebook??

I'm so Happy! I'm finally on facebook!
...what's facebook again?

I really have no idea how to work this thing, and it does show a little in my "profile page". I find blogger so much better. I didn't somehow make blogger think I was in Wisberch Grammer School. And what is this "wall"? A place for me to sit back and bask in the radiance of my own wisdom which I have written to myself?

I have a sneaking suspicion that facebook is completely useless if I don't have any friends. And there's little hope of anyone from a London Grammer school approving my requests. But if anyone happens to get a request from me, please confirm it and let me know you exist.
I need all the help I can get.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An annoying philosphy question that's not really philosophy

I forgot to include their biggest argument, which is that it's two against one (one person wants to sleep, while the two of them want to play magic, and they think it's unfair that they're getting kicked out for one person.)

Okay, if anyone who's reading this just read my sister's blog (older), please don't read this until a little later because it will look really shallow and pointless.

As none of you know, I am living in a five person room right now. It is extremley difficult for five people to agree to do the same thing at the same time. Like sleep for example. But there is a specific problem my room is facing right now on Shabbos afternoons that I was hoping someone out there would help me fix.

Usually, for me, after eating cholent, I am unable to do pretty much anything besides flop on a bed or couch and sleep till, or possibly through mincha. One of my roommates appears to have this very same issue. But two of my other roommates don't seem to get this problem- and are huge magic addicts.
For those of you who don't know, Magic is a trading card game that lasts for HOURS. No joke. These guys go at it all afternoon. ALL afternoon. 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours, doesn't matter. And it's not the quietest game either. Many times have I woken up to the sweet sound of-
OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!! SNAP!!!!!!!! (translation- I win)
I however, who lacks the spine and guts to tell them to be quiet (I don't feel it's necessary, I'm lazy, my list of rationalizations go on) just meekly try to get back to sleep, which never works. My other sleeping roommate however, tells them to be quiet, or play somewhere else.
They take extreme offense immediatly. "Your kicking us out of our OWN room so you can SLEEP! Who's being selfish here?" This particular person has quite a bit of energy because he slept through all of Shabbos davening. In his room. In his bed.
My sleeping roommate eventually leaves and sleeps somewhere else. I argue that it's much easier to find somewhere else to play magic than it is to find someplace to sleep, but they really never agree with anything I say, being stubborn and bringing in more crude, flawed logic to their side.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I just realized that it's 10:09 PM and I have a Halacha test tommorow! Oh, well. I guess that awesome blog I was going to write is just going to have to wait!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

We Juniors Are Just Too Nice These Days

There are lots of differentiations between "New Witz" and "Old Witz", many of which I can't really relate to. But I have been here for quite some time (three years) and I can tell you that if there's one thing that has changed since I was a freshman, it's the upper-lower classmen relations.
When I was a freshman, I was terrified of the Juniors and Seniors. Maybe that's just me, but the sophomores alone were enough to keep me on my toes. After all, they did come into my room one night with the intent of whipping me with belts (They afterwards said it was a joke). Seniors had very little or nothing to do with us, and if they did happen to talk to you, it was either to tell you to go away or shut up. This still holds true to today, but what's really changed is the way the freshman and the juniors interact.
When I got out of sophomore year, I thought the next two years would be a breeze. I wouldn't have anybody annoying me because the seniors are too mature to care, and the freshman and sophomores are all below me and wouldn't try anything. Unfortunatly, I soon discovered, along with many others who had shared my thinking, that this was not the case. You see, the freshman this year don't really realize that they can't make fun of people TWO GRADES OLDER THAN THEM, to THEIR FACE, and expect to get away with it. This is partially because this year's freshman class is filled with a bunch of dimwits. I'm serious. These guys are dumb as doorknobs. But either way, it doesn't really matter since my class is really to nice to do anything to them. I mean, if we wanted to, we could show them who's boss and they'd learn to leave us alone, (and some of us certainly have; the message however, has not been recieved) but that's not really us. I think that's because we know what it's like to be terrorized by upperclassmen (our juniors were jerks). So what's the outcome of all this going to be? These freshman will grow up to be mean juniors, who will pick on the freshman, who in turn will grow up to be nice juniors who will be too nice to pick on their freshman because of what THEIR juniors did to them. It's an interesting cycle, actually.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Still coming in summer 2008

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chemistry Class

Not that I like school or anything, but I pride myself in being able to find the good in most anything. And so far this year, I have managed to keep myself fairly interested in the stuff I'm supposedly learning. Thus, as most of my class routinly does, I am not a big "trouble maker". It's not in my nature to set off a stink bomb in class, or just callously insult teachers like they're not real people. Maybe that's intellect kicking in. I'd like to think so.
But last Wednesday, it didn't take a rocket scientist to find out what to do and what not to do when I walked into Chemistry Class.
I've heard lots of stories from my brother about Chemistry class. How the teacher is known to go beserk and just kick people out of class to alliviate some of his anger. So I generally stay quiet, rarely ask questions, and he's actually come to think pretty highly of me. But when I walk into the classroom at the begining of the period, and the teacher strangly resembles a tomato, I don't exactly try to crack a joke with him.
I walk in, and some sophomores from last period are still there, crowding around his desk handing in papers. Most just wanted to get out of there, but some were taking their time. One tiny sophmore slowly works his way through the crowd and goes up to the teacher.
"sir, I'm really sorry about-"
"You? I don't want to talk to you I'm sick of you!"
"But sir, I'm really-"
"Get out of my sight!"
"I was just trying-"
The miniature sophomore puts on an "I didn't do it" face and walks out into the hallway carefully.
"You JERK!" The teacher adds as the student leaves the room.

"This is a shut-up day" I thought to myself, and quickly sat down at a table.
Other people, unfortunatly did not seem to grasp this concept, and out of the sheer boredom that is chemistry class, began to cause a bit of a ruckus.
The teacher had just assigned us a chapter to read to ourselves while he graded some tests he wanted to hand back. (and wait for himself to calm down) So one guy in the back decides that's boring, and reads to himself outloud.
The teacher tells him to knock it off, so he starts reading quietly to himself. A few minutes later the teacher yells at him:
"I don't believe that you don't know how to read to yourself! That's a second grade skill!"
"Sir I skipped second grade."
What the heck is going through this kids' brain, I think to myself. But there's no way I'm saying anything, so the only thing to do as I have learned is to keep a straight face and watch the show.
The teacher of course blows up at him and talks about how he thought he had "outgrown that childish behavior". The guy does not get kicked out, but severly warned. So the reading continues. And someone starts humming, and someone starts tapping his pencil, and two people start joking with each other, and I just don't know what to think. Am I a goody two shoes, or are these people morons? I don't seek to piss a teacher off even if I'm bored and I hate him. I think that's because I can think ahead to the point where I know it won't do anyone any good anyways; a trait these guys probably lack. I feel like it's just common sense, and the reason I came up with was just that teenage boys are the dumbest entities on planet Earth.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Israel Videos...

...yeah about those...
My plans were, and are, to make a sort of montage of all the good parts of our 1:40 of videos from Israel. But since I'm still jet lagged, and I'm really busy getting ready for school, I doubt I'll have time to before succos. Oh well.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Aren't those guys weird mommy?

This past friday night we were walking back from a meal at our cousin's house (me and my mom and the pt and fudge; the others had gone on ahead.) The pt had been falling asleep before we left, but we gave her a chocolate with lots of colorful sprinkles on it, told her it was super energy chocolates and suddenly she was full of energy. My mom asked her if she could feel the energy going into her and she said "yeah, I really feel it!".
So anyways, we were walking home with a now-hyper the pt (look I'm doing russian dancing in the middle of the street!), with me and my mom on either side of her, both of us holding one of her hands, and we past by a group of twenty or so teenagers hanging out on the corner of the street by some benches, talking and laughing. A loud POP from that general area drew our attention toward them.

The pt : Ummm... what are those guys doing?

Mrs. B: Making trouble probably.

The pt: Yeah, just hanging out...doing their things...probably not NORMAL (emphasis on that last word).

Me, fudge, and Mrs. B: Okay the pt, lets go, lets just keep moving...just stop talking...

But she just kept talking. And since in ramat beit shemesh everyone is shomer shabbos, there were absolutly no cars out in the street. No sound except for those guys and the pt practicly yelling "Those guys are so weird, what are they doing anyway? Aren't those guys weird mommy?"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

News Flash!

Well, my sources have informed me that psychotoddler has the cable for the camera, (and he's back in not-israel) so no pictures are going up until I get back.
Too bad really. I'd like to get them up here now, but what can you do?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pictures and Stuff

I'm trying to get some more movies and pictures on the blog, but as of right now I can't connect my camera to the computer. I'll get them up as soon as I can.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Well, I'll be in Isreal for the next three weeks. Whether you can expect a day to day journal on our trip while I'm gone or three weeks of staring at this barren, forgotten blog is hard to say at the moment. Oh well. I guess you'll know by tommorow. Or not. In case you don't see any updates from me, you can at least look at that picture of Rafiki Potter down there while I'm gone. That picture is just hilarious.
And you can expect a very impressive video summarizing our trip when I get back, as long as I have enough time before school to make one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I don't look like Daniel Radcliffe!

Nope, I'm just not seeing it here.
Anyways, what am I talking about?
I went to the movies some wednesday night. I saw a movie called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (is that really how it's spelled?) It was a great movie. I thought it was just fantastic. But as we're walking out of the theater, my father runs into another doctor he works with ( which is a huge coincidence, since they both only go to the movies like twice a year) and decides to introduce us to his family. When he gets up to me, he says "oh yeah this is the one that looks like Harry Potter." Everyone starts crowding around and the other doctor says "yeah he does look like harry potter." and then his wife is like "yeah, he even smiles like him"
Awkward Turtle.
I've actually, believe it or not, been hearing this every now and then since, oh i don't know, fifth grade? At the time, it was actually a close call in my class for who looked more like harry potter between me and one other guy, and I lost. (and that was when I had my giant glasses) Therefore, I have no reason to believe that I look anything like him. Well okay, maybe I look like harry potter, but I better not look like Daniel Radcliffe.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yonina makes a movie

Yonina took the first half of this herself. It's kinda long (8 minutes) but it's pretty funny. And we interview her "History channel style" about Yoninan, her made up language.

UPDATE- second part has been removed

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Stay off the road

Umm, the brake is the little one, right?

Friday, March 30, 2007

I'll make this movie when they're old enough to handle it

There is actually a story behind this. This is Yonina's game that we play whenever we take her outside to the backyard. She always plays "Space", which usually consists of her going to Jupitor or Mars on the glider and fighting the grill. (Aprapo this post)
I wanted to make a movie yesterday but I didn't know what to make. So Yonina suggested this, and we tried it, but the footage was mostly unusable, and we even stopped halfway through because we thought it was stupid, so we just wound up making this trailer and waiting until they could do a normal, serious movie. (Summer 2008)

Monday, March 26, 2007


This past Sunday I witnessed an incredible, horryifing (though probably not unprecedented) event unfold in the WITS lunchroom.
As we were all happily chewing our stale february 7th cocoa krispies and Islandberry crunches, I noticed that both of the doors on either side of the room were open. I figured it must have been because of the toaster, which had very suddenley started spewing smoke everywhere, like it occasionally does.
It was getting rather cold and I wasn't about to go all the way upstairs to get a sweatshirt, but I was also too lazy to get up and close the doors, especially since I knew if I tried a junior would tell me to leave it open and all that effort would have gone to waste anyway.
So I left the door open.
Suddenly, someone yells "SQUIRREL!!!!!!!"
Now my school is filled with kids who pride themselves in working out every other night and being incredibly strong, dignified, good looking people. However, the might of the WITS high school was clearly no match for the bushy-tailed invader that ran into that dining room that day.
Everyone immediatly jumped on top of chairs and started shreiking of course. Those people who weren't making fun of their classmates' shrieking like little girls were either screaming, watching the fun, or running to get cameras.
I was, of course, not on a chair. I was also of course, not shrieking.
So I watched as the confused squirrel ran up to the stained-glass windows trying to get out. It stayed at one for a little while, then jumped off and ran across the tables. Everyone was ducking for cover and clearing a path for it to run wherever it pleased.
Little was being done to get the squirrel out of the school. The Rosh Yeshiva did come in early on and instruct the students to close off all exits to the dining room so that it wouldn't escape into the dorms and be lost forever. It was clear that the Rabbi had seen this sort of thing in the past.

Well, I'm not entirly sure how this story ended, since I had to go to class only halfway through. I saw a tall junior trying to poke it with a long roll of plastic tablecloth. It eventually got stuck in the wall, and was somehow coaxed out of the building.
Security has been beefed up in order that nothing like this catastrophe should ever happen again. Well okay not really, but whatever...

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Here it is, my 50 out of 50 project.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Basically we had an english assignment where we had to experiment with propaganda techniques in our own honest to goodness home made video. I figured this was my area of expertise, seeing as how I've already made two videos myself.
I'll try to get my ad up here soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

welcome back

I'm going back to my Yeshiva in a couple minutes. It's not exactly a happy time. I've been home for an entire week of not school, and I am very suddenly going to be forced back into the annoying world of biology, geometry, history, gemara, chumash, and whatever. Not to mention I won't be home and will be eating alan food.
But there is a silver lining. I'll be back with my friends, I'll be waking up later (yes its true), and I'll have alot more free time to myself to just sit down and relax. You see, when I'm at home, I can always hear the clock ticking, and I know that every second is one that I'm not going to get back. But when I'm at school, I can just sit down, you know, only 2143 hours left.
Sometimes I feel like my real vacation is when I'm at school. At least physically.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Still working on that camera...

Well, I'm still trying to get a nice camera to have at school with me. It's kind of frustrating because I think about it alot more than I should and I always want to talk to people about what's buzzing around in my head; but mostly the comment I get when I bring it up goes something like "why would you want a camera?" or their personal favorite, "what would you do with a camera?" Well, here's your answer. For those of you who have asked me this in person, it's kind of hard for me to say it off hand because I just draw a bunch of blanks, but I think I can put it in writing.
So, #1 is because I want to be able to have something to remember my high school years by, and I've already missed my freshman year and half of my sophomore year. It would be cool to be able to show underclassmen pictures of my class when we were sophomores, when I'm like, a senior.
#2 is the possibility of making a movie at school. It's not terribly likely at this point, but it would be so funny if I ended up doing it.
#3 is that i want to be able to put pictures on my blog.
Ok I gotta go.