Sunday, February 04, 2007


Basically we had an english assignment where we had to experiment with propaganda techniques in our own honest to goodness home made video. I figured this was my area of expertise, seeing as how I've already made two videos myself.
I'll try to get my ad up here soon.


iguana said...

Is Fulaxin for me? Should I ask my doctor before taking it? Is there any benifit of me taking it?

Rafiki said...

no, its not real.

iguana said...

But what if I WANTED to get pregnant, and I WANTED to be geniticly mutated. There are people in the world that want that, you know.

PsychoToddler said...

I'm starting to think you're already geniticly (sic) mutated.

iguana said...

Oh yeah, sure. That coming from a PSYCHO!

outofAMMO said...

Calm down Iguana. After all, Fulaxin is not for everyone.

iguana said...

I think I understand. Fulaxin is not for lizards, monkeys, toddlers, tanks, and machine guns.

Rafiki said...

You need to learn that the avatar is not a picture of the person.

.30cal said...

i dunno... it tried it and i was fine, tho it did make me start jogging everywhere and shteiging better...

outofAMMO said...

going on Iguana's theory, how in the world does a machine gun jog???? Though I'd love to see it.

PsychoToddler said...

I think I understand. Fulaxin is not for lizards, monkeys, toddlers, tanks, and machine guns


What kind of monster have I unleased on the blogosphere??

.30cal said...

the kind who's father says things like ROFLOL.

iguana said...

Make up your mind! Do you like the comment or hate it. One minute your laughing out loud, and the next your regretting ever giving me a blog.

outofAMMO said...

Quick! Stuff her back in her cage!

iguana said...