Monday, January 21, 2008

Get Up

Ahh...the sheer bliss that is winter break. The truth is that for me, it's difficult for me to enjoy a vacation because I spend the whole time thinking about how much time I have left. It's like an automatic reflex
Me thinking: Cool it's winter break! Oh no! I only have Five days left and then I have a whole semester all over again!

So how does one enjoy the one week long vacation with no yom tovs one gets all year? Sleeping in? No, I tried to wake up at 6:25 this morning. I distinctly remember hearing my Palm Pilot's alarm going off, and thinking "oh shoot they're going to be pissed if I don't turn that off right now!" Then I turn it off and immediatly I start thinking about how I'm going to not fall back asleep. Often it is like a civil war.
"You need to get up for shul" I tell myself.
"But I don't want to get up!"
"But you have to!"
"But it's cold outside the bed, and I'm tired, and it would be so much better to just go back to sleep"
"But you set your alarm for now, and it was probably for a really good reason (that I can't quite remember being 3/4 asleep) and anyways you're already up, so get out of that bed, put your dang clothes on and get to shul somehow before you miss the 6:45 minyan! After all, wouldn't it suck if you slept in and missed it?"
That gets me maybe half the time to get out of bed. This morning I was not so fortunate. I don't remember going back to sleep. My last thought may have been something like
"I'll just lie back for a minute so I can work up the energy to get out of bed."
So anyways I wake up and it's 8:15. I don't have an issue WAKING up, just getting up. This is a very fine line. So my brother (Out of Ammo) of course gets up right away and starts getting me up.
At this point in the morning I am never in the mood to put up with crap, especially since I always know right away that I slept in even though I was up and thinking earlier. So my brother starts being annoying so I'll get up. I believe if it were anyone but him I may have gotten up, it's just something about the tone it's said in in combination with my already annoyed additude that bugs me. The conversation this morning went something like this:
"Get up!"
*muffled grunt*
"Come on get up!"
*no response* (at this point I think if I don't bother you you won't bother me)
"Get up!"
*slightly irritated grunt* Noise I can take.
"Get up!" (starts pulling at my blanket, not very succesful. I have improved on defending my blanket after years of crappy veckers)
"Get up!"
Now I will do anything to stop him from saying that.
"Will you cut it out?"
"but you need to get up!"
"That's great, but it's not your problem! I'll get up when I'm ready!"
slight pause
"But you need to get up!"
Around here i'm just like "this is going nowhere" so I just get up since I'm mostly awake by then anyways, but really, not the best way to start the day.


iguana said...

remember when i was 8 and i'd come in and hit you with a belt? Ah...Good times....

fudge said...

rafi, i love reading your blog. this is the most i laughed all day.

grate book!

i know exactly what you mean about the civil war thing. i do the same thing every day at either 5:46 or 6:47, depending on what day of the week it is. it goes something like this:

"crap, it's 5:46 already. if i go back to sleep now i'll definitely sleep past 7."

"but if you get up now you'll be tired all day and binge on coffee and then end up weeping hysterically about missing an elevator!"

"but if i don't get up now, i won't have enough time to shower!"

on and on it goes...only bettered by the are-you-going-to-fall-asleep-tonight conversation:

"boy, it would really suck if you didn't sleep tonight."

"i had a long day and i'm really tired. i'll sleep fine."

"what with you having that final and back-to-back work and meeting you have to go to."

"be quiet. i'm exhausted. it's only twelve-thirty. no reason i shouldn't sleep well."

"that's good, cause if you just lie awake all night, watching the seconds tick by, so many things are going to go wrong tomorrow..."


"you'll probably ruin your whole life..."

"shut up!"

"and be miserable..."


"too bad it's too late for you to take benedryl; then you'd just sleep late and still be tired tomorrow..."

i demand more material, raf.

and by the way- vacation is like that. like precious sand slipping away (if sand is precious). but it's better to forget there's anything coming after it, or you just lose the whole thing in dread.

iguana said...


Rafiki said...
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Rafiki said...

if you do that you are devestated later because you forgot there was school later.

iguana said...


Foust said...

my morning civil war is similar. However, the voices in my head are a litle bit less eloquent. In fact, my "get up" voice has been reduced to pointless mumbling, and needs to be replaced by four alarms, each ringing 1 minute apart, as well as a lamp on a timer. Oh, what fun!

iguana said...

The voices in my head are soft and tender for about 30 seconds as they coo me back to sleep, until they are mercilessly crushed by the "IF YOU DON'T GET UP NOW, YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" rush.

PsychoToddler said...
