Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The story so far...

You don't give much thought to some things until you have to. During the school year, I would never wonder for a second what I would be doing with all my free time over the summer vacation. But now that it's here, I spend most of the time having nothing better to do than play xbox or drive my sisters to and from their day camp. Which is kind of boring. Yes I have work, but I generally do not work for more than 4 hours a day (not my choice, that's the way the job works), and not even everyday. And I'm still making...lets see... five times what I made last year? If everything goes well, I will have enough money to live quite comfortably during my last year of high school. Which brings me to that. I have a reading I have to write an essay on for AP english over the summer, and I have to study for the SAT'a, because I have to beat my brothers apparently awesome score. And I have to somehow sell 50 raffle tickets for my senior class trip. So it's not like I have nothing to do, I guess. I just don't want to do any of that stuff. I'll just have to face the music eventually.

Some of you old timers may remember we were planning on making a Space- the movie for the summer of 2008.

As of right now I have no idea if this is going to happen or not. I asked them to write a screenplay for me, and I wasn't so impressed with what they came up with. So we'll just have to see what happens with this.
But I can tell you that if we do wind up doing it, it's going to have way more special effects than I've ever used before. Should be interesting. It'll give me something to do.

1 comment:

iguana said...

Why don't we just make that feetheads commercial? I'm pretty sure no one will care if we slide Space this year.