Monday, August 04, 2008

The Nine Days...

Working in an old age home kitchen, one would not think that I would be disappointed about not being able to eat any of their all-meat meals for the next week. But the truth is, the meals at this place are not so bad. In some cases, they're actually amazing. Of course, the only meal I've found to fit the description of "amazing" here would be the beef brisket, which I only had once. But what were the chances of them having that again within these specific days when we can't eat meat?
Well, apparently good enough, because when I checked in today (monday) and looked at the schedule, the first thing I saw was


"Is this a joke?" I thought to myself. How can God expect me to resist the old home's beef brisket? That's like some of the best stuff you can get in milwaukee (without cooking it yourself). Especially when I have to serve it to 5 different floors? And I'm not even so sure why we're not allowed to eat meat during the 9 days.
We better be having something good for supper at home...

1 comment:

fudge said...

judaism 101, raf: self-denial builds character!

never goes out of style.