Sunday, April 18, 2010

Reporting Live from the Muss lounge

Why am I two floors below my room with my laptop? Well, let me see if I can sum up what's been going on in my room the last 48 hours or so...

Getting ready to go to sleep, I see something scuttle underneath my doorway. I figure it's at worst a roach, but since the light's off, I can't see anything. When an extended search of the area reveals nothing, I convince myself it was a trick of the light and go to sleep.

Returning to my room after havdala, I open up my laptop and check my email. I then begin watching a youtube video.

Something quickly moves across my desk behind the laptop.
First thought- What the heck was that?
Second thought- I think there's a mouse behind my desk.
Third thought- OMG there's a mouse in my room!!!

I move back from the desk and quickly put on my packers slippers. There's a brief moment where I see nothing- I then see the mouse very quickly move from behind the desk under the doorway. I carefully peer out the hallway, and see nothing. I suddenly realize that this is the thing I saw last night. Commence jibblies.

I head down to the guard on the first floor and let him know of the situation. He writes my room number down on a piece of paper, and calls someone, telling them I've seen mice in my room. After a ten second conversation, he hangs up the phone and tells me "housekeeping" will put down "traps" in my room. When I ask him if it'll be done tonight, he says "I don't know about that." Okay, worse things have happened. So I sleep with the mice for one night. Sudden realization that housekeeping does not come on Sundays causes more jibblies.
However, I don't see the rodent for the rest of the night. Believing it to have left my room, I block the bottom of the doorway with luggage, and watch dr who until 2:30, at which point I am comfortable enough to go to sleep.

No sign of the vermin, but still on edge. I spend most of the day at my sister's apartment, returning at around 3:00.

I open the doorway to be greeted by the mouse. As if to welcome me back to our humble abode, it quickly scuttles from behind the desk under the doorway of a closet near the door. Not having checked that closet the previous night, I suspect that the mouse has and had been living there, although there's no food in there. Just a TV box. I move the luggage in front of the closet, take my laptop, and leave the room.

Now I'm going to head back up there, grab my wallet, and head over to rite aid to find some way of killing this thing. I have less than no faith in "housekeeping" coming tomorrow and laying traps. We will fight these rodents on the seas, we will fight them on the beaches. We will defend our dorm room, whatever the cost may be. We shall never surrender.


iguana said...

that's right Rafi!! Get that mouse! Show'em who's boss!

Mouse! Mouse! He's killed deh DOGE!!

Kovi said...

Rafi, the last paragraph of your blog post has all but made it for me. Never surrender!