Thursday, June 24, 2010

Close encounters of the Peanut kind

And here you have it, my obligatory blog of the month. The truth is, I think of stuff I should really write down all the time, but I guess there's just so much that none of it ends up on paper, er screen. And some of the stuff I'd really like to get into would take so long to write, and I don't have the patience for that kind of thing.
As you may have heard, I am working on a new Doctor Apikores video, and it is so far the coolest video I've ever made. It may be another week or two before it hits youtube, but rest assured it will be worth the wait.
So I guess while I'm here I might as well share with you my close encounter from earlier today. I was making lunch, which is a task which seems to be becoming more pathetic by the day. Today I was baking a piece of fish in the toaster oven, and I decided to eat something in the meantime, since it was going to take twenty minutes to bake. An ice cream sandwich in the freezer caught my eye. It was on the top shelf, and I didn't see what the flavor was, but it was in this fancy blue bunny packaging, so I was like what the heck- probably rocky road or something. Because they make that in ice cream sandwiches.
Anyway, I unwrapped it, and instantly recognized it as chocolate. Not my favorite, but good enough. I took a bite into this ice cream sandwich, and this is what I thought, in this order:
1) THAT'S not chocolate.
2) That's NOT chocolate.
3) That's not CHOCOLATE.
4) That's fricken peanut butter!
5) Who puts peanut butter in an ice cream sandwich>
6) OMG

So I spit it out as best I could, and rinsed my mouth out about 30 times. I don't think I actually swallowed any, but my mouth was still very tingly, so I went looking for the Benedryl. This drug proved elusive, despite the fact that our kitchen is completely stuffed with any kind of pill you can imagine. I finally found it, took two pills, and was pretty much out of commission for the rest of today. Annoying, but it could have been much worse, I guess.
I had come to wonder in recent months whether or not I was still actually allergic to the stuff, since I haven't had a reaction in many years. Well, question answered, I suppose.

1 comment:

Kovi said...

But I want my SON!
I want MY son!
I WANT my son!

are you sure you actually had a reaction?