Sunday, January 28, 2007

welcome back

I'm going back to my Yeshiva in a couple minutes. It's not exactly a happy time. I've been home for an entire week of not school, and I am very suddenly going to be forced back into the annoying world of biology, geometry, history, gemara, chumash, and whatever. Not to mention I won't be home and will be eating alan food.
But there is a silver lining. I'll be back with my friends, I'll be waking up later (yes its true), and I'll have alot more free time to myself to just sit down and relax. You see, when I'm at home, I can always hear the clock ticking, and I know that every second is one that I'm not going to get back. But when I'm at school, I can just sit down, you know, only 2143 hours left.
Sometimes I feel like my real vacation is when I'm at school. At least physically.


outofAMMO said...

yes. Sometimes I feel the real vacation is when you are at school too, rafiki.

fudge said...

i wish i understood you. however, this entry has just proved that i am still no closer to achieving that goal.
do you mean you can't enjoy yourself when you're at home because you feel like it's valuable vacation time that you're wasting? i get that way sometimes.

PsychoToddler said...

I think he means when he's at school, no one is yelling at him to do the dishes. Or something.


PsychoToddler said...

fudge: was there ever any danger that you would understand rafiki?

fudge said...

there was this time, back in the sixth grade...

outofAMMO said...

I understand him.

iguana said...

Being a tank, I would find it rather dificult to understand a monkey.

Rafiki said...

if you can't understand me, that's not my problem.

fudge said...

ELANA'S blogging? where will i hide?

Mrs. Balabusta said...

Ok - just to make you all feel better

I need somebody has to unload the dishwasher.

If you're downstairs change over the laundry to the dryer!

Who's washing the breakfast dishes?

Can we clean up this closet a little bit, it is full of things that haven't fit you in years.

What is that growing under your bed!

I need someone to sweep the kitchen floor!

Fold those towels and put them in the bathroom cabinet.

I am not talking to the walls, get off that computer and move it.

Rafiki said...

this inhumanity does not belong on my blog!!!!!!!

.30cal said...

you would deny me the right to remain on my computer and post an indignant rebuttal?

Ezzie said...

Allan's food? When I was there, everyone had Foremans, and we'd take supplies from the kitchen. After Mrs. Rice would take the Foremans, we'd have the class psycho steal them back. (And repeat.)

.30cal said...

our class psycho got kicked out last year :(

Ezzie said...

Ouch. Ours made it until an incident during senior year.

Ezzie said...

Oh, I sent regards to you and your bro from Allan's daughter's wedding. Did you get them? :)

iguana said...

Allen food. For some reason, you people keep refering to it as
"Throw up in a box"

Rafiki said...

we do not. it's natural habitat is actually a styrofoam plate.