Sunday, September 13, 2009

all clear

well it would seem that my anxiety and homesickness have passed. First few weeks of college were pretty rough, but I guess I'm warming up to things now. I've been eating like crazy, probably a little too much. I've been swimming to try to offset that, but I never get to swim as often as I'd like to. My dorm situation has changed somewhat: I'm now in Muss, the quiet, more yeshivish dorm behind MTA that few people know about. And I have my own room. View that how you will, but right now I'm enjoying it. I guess it wasn't the most social choice, but I have still met the people around here, and hopefully we'll get to know each other better, although I doubt any of that will end up happening before succos break. And I'll get a roommate eventually anyways, so at least it's nice for now.
I'm for the most part very happy with my classes. US history is not easy, but it is very interesting. Looks like this semester will be mostly about the Cold War and McCarthyism, which I've always thought I should know more about. The teacher is a real professional. She's taught at places like Harvard, and has written a few books on the subject. Not to mention she's been teaching for several decades, since before the cold war even ended.
Hebrew Language has always been a soft spot for me, and I've even been recommended by the school to switch down to the lower class. Only problem with that is that the "lower class" is for people who have never spoken hebrew before, and besides it not only doesn't fill your requirement, but doesn't even give you credits. So I'm gonna do what I can in the Intermediate Hebrew class, and hopefully my years of Mar Arieff and Rabbi Rauch will pay off.
English Comp is so far one of those joke classes. I've been good at writing for a while now, and it looks like this year we'll be doing exactly what I was doing for all of last year in advanced writing: writing papers and critiquing others. So at least for this semester that will be a cakewalk.
Computer Science is a possible major for me, so I'm trying to take it really seriously. But there's a few problems.
1) the teacher has this thick israeli accent, so it's hard enough for me to understand what he's saying, let alone what he's teaching.
2) So far we have done virtually nothing. It's hard to stay focused while he lectures on about stuff that I either already know, or couldn't possibly understand yet.
My strategy here might end up being just reading the book. That's what happened in chemistry two years ago, when Dr. Stone spent more time throwing temper tantrums than teaching. That actually worked very well. We'll see what happens.

I'd love to write about how Rachel's house was, but I don't have time now, and I want to do the story justice. Maybe another time.


Tzafra said...

So you don't have Listowsky for comp sci? That's a shame. He's completely understandable. Are you taking Data Structures?

I was on the roof of Muss. The alarm bar doesn't actually do anything, or it didn't in June at least, so if you ever feel like being REALLY antisocial...

If you need help with Hebrew, feel free to email me. If I can't help you one of my FOUR Israeli roommates certianly can. Or Rivka, for that matter.

It strikes me also that I have no idea what your email address is. Care to change that fact?

Rafiki said...
i sent you a message on facebook- did you get it?

fudge said...

yay rafi! long live the burger king!