Monday, December 28, 2009

Midnight Madness, not to be confused with Midtown Madness

I head over to the Morg lounge for some free pizza tonight. There have been signs up for weeks about the free food going on every night this week. I get there five minutes early, and there is literally a line out the door. Quickly judging the situation at hand, standing outside in the cold in my sweater, I make the logical choice and get in line for the pizza. The line doesn't move too much. I start to get a little suspicious when I continue to see people coming out of the building with pizza, while the line stands completely still. Eventually some guy comes out with a slice of pizza, looks at the line, and starts yelling "Hey, you know there's no real line right? There's no order, you just go in and take pizza! Sheesh, you know it's called midnight madness for a reason!"
I am briefly reminded of a clip of Homestar Runner standing in line at bubs concession stand, with a sign that says "Stand in Line: $5." Homestar turns around and says to the guy behind him "Best five bucks I ever spent!" So I did that mentally, knowing better than to make obscure references to random people (cough perel cough).
Anyways, nobody moves for a few minutes. I guess they're all thinking "It's a trick!" "It's like those emails about working from home!" "No way it's that easy!" But after awhile, everyone just kind of falls out of line and starts stumbling over to through the doorway. I had my pizza within five minutes- that being said, it was pretty awful.
Not that I had a whole lot else going on- I had my history final this morning, and I think I did pretty well. Finished after only a little over an hour. The history final was second only to the dreaded comp sci final in difficulty, and if the comp sci final is anywhere near as long, I should be able to finish in time to make my flight. Tomorrow is hebrew, which should be easy enough. I spent some time tonight studying for it, and I have all of tomorrow morning, so I should be good.
No other really exciting stories to relate, as if studying for my hebrew final was full of action packed drama. Although question remains- what will I do all of winter break if I don't get any Mashiach work?


iguana said...

Sweater..? Would this be the famed sweater vest on the back of the kohls catalog?

fudge said...

hey! are you implying that i'm awkward?????


speaking of coughperelcough, can you be at my place tomorrow morning so they can fix the ceiling?

Rafiki said...

it is the sherpa sweater- yeah I guess it is pretty kohl-sy.
Yeah, I can be there tomorrow morning- I don't have anything else going on until the final on Thursday.

Rafiki said...

oh perel, it's all in good fun!

iguana said...

So are you like to be koming home on thursday? Because if you are...Abba and I may have an unintetionally hilarious episode of Star Trek for you to watch.

Rafiki said...

aren't all episodes of star trek unintentionally hilarious?

iguana said...

yeah, but this one is the cartoon series, so it's even MORE hilarious.

Ex: unethical/illegal eyebrow animations......sooooo noted.