Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yup, it's still summer

Jeez, I could use a job.

Like a real one, the kind that pays money. I've applied to literally dozens of places this summer, with absolutely no result. No one has even thought to call me in for an interview. About a third of the jobs I applied to at least had the courtesy to tell me they were no longer interested in me, but the other two thirds just ignored me. Pretty annoying. Why did I spend all that time with Perel writing a resume? Oh well, I'm sure it'll come in handy eventually.

I may get a job working at my old high school this summer, but so far that seems to be a long shot. I've heard nothing from anyone official yet, but rumors have reached me that they need more people. "Trying's all we've got!"

The IDEAL thing which I would die to do this summer is work on the Transformers 3 movie which will be filming here the week of July 12th. But I have absolutely no idea how to even get in touch with the people who are looking for local students to be PA's, and by now I think it's probably too late anyways. The chances of me getting Shia Labeouf coffee are pretty slim at this point. But getting a job like that- just unbelievable. Can you imagine what that would look like on a resume?

As for what I am doing around here, well not a whole lot. I have some friends who are in town for the next week or so, and we're going to hang out as much as we can before they all go to their respective sleep away camps in New York or whatever. Perel's coming back tomorrow night, and she'll be here for a little while, so that'll be fun. Oh, and as for this whole Dr. Apikores video- it has, as I feared, come to a bit of a stall. We still have some shooting (and believe it or not, some writing) to do before I can finish it up, but hopefully I'll get that done within the next few days. I did just discover that the Askotzky's have a giant white screen on their second floor I can use as a background- so I'm going to see if that's possible. Also, now Perel can be in the movie if she so desires. So it may be a little while longer, but it will b grand.

1 comment:

Kovi said...

rafi u gotta let us know when u do these posts. i cant alway check everyone's blogs. i bet u could find a way to contact them's filming people if you really wanted to.